Sandi Jandu

Joined: July 2019 Why you joined: During my yearly charitable events I met Parv Kaur in Dubai 2017 as part of a sponsorship from the Sikh Channel for the ‘Dubai Women’s Run.’ It was the first time I’d seen an Asian woman play the Indian drum; the ‘Dhol’ on stage. I was fascinated by this and knew that I wanted to be affiliated with the passion being projected on stage, the sound and rhythm of the Dhol and the diverse and cultural ethos of the team. As a professional in my working career playing the Dhol gives me an energy that is deep rooted from my aspirations of wanting to play a drum kit at a very young age but due to certain set backs I was unable to pursue my passion until now. First Performance: ‘Arts in the Park’ Sutton Coldfield. I remember feeling like a baby swan being set loose in fresh lake waters. I played independently for a workshop being presented by one of our team members and feeling overwhelmed by the immense amount of supporters partaking in the workshop dancing to the sound of my Dhol being played. Most Memorable Performance: Following my weekly lessons with Parv I was asked to perform alongside team members for Europe’s largest media company Sky. To this very day I can still remember the adrenaline, my smile projecting from ear to ear and the cold crisp air of being filmed whilst playing outside in the British winter season. There have been many humble and exciting performances that I have been involved in to date, such as playing in one of my favourite cities in the world, New York. But this being one of my first corporate performances will always remain a vivid memory as it was the first time I got to play with the team and for a corporate client.