Amy Lester

Joined: 2021   Why you joined: I joined on the off chance, I attended one of the Stamina Fitness Classes. I was looking for a place where I could keep up my fitness but more importantly, somewhere that I could enjoy Bhangra. My skills were picked up by Parv who then introduced me to the team!  I was more than happy to join Eternal Taal because I loved the fusion that the group provides bridging the caps between communities and sharing Punjabi  culture with others. It was another bonus to be able to work with a fantastic group of females who share the same love and passion!   First Performance: Pets at Home in Cardiff. I was really nervous for my first gig but the weeks of training did have me prepared to give my best. The support of the team is always unmatched.   Most Memorable Performance: Summer of 2022 at the Tower Bridge in London. The weather was in the high 20’s so everybody was out in the capital. I loved this performance as the crowd was endless, no matter how far or high I looked back it didn’t end. The crowd was so interactive, the energy was infectious that it just pushes you to give everything! The opportunities that ET provides to travel all over the country, the world even, doing what I love the most can only be described as amazing!